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Thursday, April 12, 2012

Battle of Boyne

The Battle of Boyne occurred in June of 1690. No Irish battle is more famous than the victory which  William II enjoyedy over James II at the River Boyne, a few miles west of Drogheda. James was a Roman Catholic who had lost the throne of England in the Jacobite Revolution of 1688. William was Prince of Orange, a Dutch-speaking Protestant married to a daughter of James,  Mary, who became king at the request of parliament. James sought refuge with his old ally, Louis XIV of France, who saw an opportunity to strike at William through Ireland and sent his French officers and arms to help James. James landed at Kinsale in March 1689. The lord deputy, the Earl of Tyrconnell, was a Catholic loyal to James, and his Irish army controlled most of the island. Then the Catholic Parliament repealed the legislation under which Protestant settlers had acquired the  land. During 1690 many Irishmen who were captured at this battle were imported into Virginia as agricultural servants.
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