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Tuesday, April 23, 2013

17th Century Ceremonies: Mrs. Jordan

In 1623 the husband of Mrs. Jordan had been dead only three or four days when Mr. Pooley, fearful lest a rival should start up, requested Captain Isaac Madison to broach for him to the widow, a proposal of marriage. Madison at first declined, saying that he did not wish to "meddle in any such business". However, being a friend of the clergyman, Rev. Greville Pooley, he felt sure that Mrs. Jordan would soon marry some other man, if she did not marry Pooley, so he yielded. When Madison told the widow of his mission, the lady declared that she had as soon marry Mr. Pooley as anyone she knew, but that she did not think it quite decent to do so quickly. Having received his answer, Pooley got the courage to visit Mrs. Jordan himself. During the interview, he desired a dram of her, and on her bidding one of the servants to and fetch it, he declared very gallantly that he would have it of her fetching, or not at all. She then went into the next room for it. A verbal contract was now entered into with all of the formalities of a marriage ceremony, and the couple drank to each other's health. He kissed her and exclaimed: "I am thine, and you are mine until death do part us." A few moments later, Mrs. Jordan began to fear lest she should be criticised for remarrying too soon. Pooley, however, protested "before God that he would not reveal" the engagement until she thought "the time fitting." But, being very full of the secret, he soon told it. Mrs. Jordan was so angry that she declined to carry out the contract and told the clergyman "if he had not revealed it, he might have fared ye better." Source: British Colonial Papers, Vol. 1622-3, No. 30>

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