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Thursday, July 11, 2013

Oppressive Government Reverses Rules

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In 1690, Francis Nicholson, Esquire, (pictured) was appointed as lieutenant governor under Lord Effingham, and realizing how unhappy the colonists were under the despotic regime of Effingham, discoursed freely of country improvements and public exercises for which prizes were presented. He designed a college which called for an assembly under Lord Effingham. When that could not be obtained, Nicholson proposed that a subscription might pass through the colony, to try the humor of the people in general, and see what voluntary contributions they could get towards it.  Effingham granted this request, and made generous contributions to the cause. The following year, Rev. James Blair was sent as their agent to England to solicit the king's charter for it. His majesty was well pleased with the pious design of the plantation and granted a charter as well as two thousand pounds sterling towards the founding of a college. Governor Nicholson, in his first assembly on the matter, passed acts for the encouragement of the manufacture of linen, the promotion of the leather trade and shoe making. But before the next assembly met, he reversed himself. Instead of encouraging towns and ports, he spread abroad his dislike of them and went among the people finding fault.

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