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Saturday, January 4, 2014

Fortunes to be had in America

Tobacco was shipped out of Virginia and used for trade
After the Colony had been settled for about 80 years and with the death of Robert Beverley, Lord Baltimore stated that fortunes were more easily acquired in this age in that Colony than in England.  You need to view the old passenger lists to see that Englishmen not only paid their own passage but brought their families and servants into Virginia.  The more servants you transported (at your own cost), the more acreage would be granted.  Thus, what we have is individual families establishing productive economies in a wilderness terrain of unfriendly Indians.  The work was at no little cost, as goods and  supplies were expensive to import and colonists were bereft of many conveniences during the long years it took to establish working plantations. The American dream was in progress, an idea that anyone could improve their circumstances through sacrifice and hard work.

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